The Obscure Ramblings of an Ex-Goalie.

Friday, September 01, 2006

What Nicole and I miss about New Orleans

So Nicole began to miss New Orleans and if you've ever moved away from a place that you really love, you'll understand. She wrote the first 15 things, though I will have to admit some of them I should have repeated to emphasize how much I miss them too. Numbers 16-31 are all mine.

1. Daiquiris - especially the Chocolate Banana one from daiquiris and Creams
2. The Fly
3. Crawfish every weekend in the Spring
4. Breakfast at the Bluebird Cafe
5. Taking the streetcar downtown and wandering the Market and enjoying just being outside.
6. Cowboy Mouth concerts every other weekend
7. Quarter martini lunch at Commander's
8. (I never thought I'd say this) The sound of the little kids "tap dancing" on the streets in the quarter
9. Beignets at midnight
10. The two story Target SO CLOSE to my house (and mine because we were neighbors for a short time)
11. Cheap movies and Movie Watcher clubs and free popcorn Wednesdays
12. The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival
13. The Oak Alley craft fair
14. Choosing which house I want to be "mine" on St. Charles (For me it was the white wedding cake house!)
15. Gelato at Angelo Broccatto's
16. Bacco's (oh so yummy food)
17. Port of Call burgers
18. Jiggers' burgers
19. Driving down River Road with my window down in late January
20. Biking on the levee
21. Rollerblading in Audubon Park
22. Babysitting my favorite little kids
23. Actually having friends that would go grocery shopping, watch movies, eat sushi, rollerblading, dance, give fashion advice, search for Taco Bells that don't exist in post Katrina land, and play soccer with me.
24. Playing co-ed soccer with Lazy by Nature
25. Going to the Soap Opera and getting all my clothes washed in 2 hours instead of taking all day
26. Hubig's Pies
27. Wine and pizza night with Heather
28. Free beer glasses at the Bulldog
29. WWOZ New Orleans heritage radio station
30. Being within 15 mins of three malls (even though they may not be the best malls)
31. Touchdown Jesus


Blogger Guido said...

Hah, I googled Lazy By Nature New Orleans Coed Soccer. I'm on The Firm, and we've played ya'll for a while now. God I would miss coed soccer if I moved.

7:00 AM  

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