The Obscure Ramblings of an Ex-Goalie.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The World as a genre of Music

If real life could be any genre of music, I think I'd want to live in a country song. Though slightly dramatized and maybe a little too gut wrenching at times, country music talks about life, love, and happiness in ways that make you want to live in a small house surrounded by acres of grass and a white picket fence.

Happiness is family and living in the country and has nothing to do with driving an Escalade. Love, especially love lost, hurts in a way that makes finding the right one to love even more great. Life isn't always happy, but life is always complete with a wholeness that makes more sense with a country twang.

What scares me is life becoming more like a rap song. I close my eyes trying to imagine one rap song I'd want my life to become. The only images I see are tube tops, thongs, dark night clubs... I can't even get in to the men that come to mind. It is something straight out of a nightmare. Large dark rooms with strobe lights and flashing red and yellow spot lights. Incessantly loud music. What happened to the grass and the white picket fences? What happened to real life? What happened?

I like going to bars (not in tube tops... that's just not how I roll).

I like dancing in clubs.

I wouldn't want that for life. Hopefully life is a little more country than rap for me.


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