It seems I spend a lot of time at work and a lot of time in my car. Here is a morning car story for your enjoyment.
Dallas, TX drivers are not the best drivers. They are like New York drivers laced with just enough southern courtesy to make it in the great state of. Blinkers are apparently decorations that don't get utilized.
I was in the fast lane. I had merged and made my way across four lanes of traffic to reserve this right of passage, not to mention I waited for safe holes in traffic and used my blinkers to get there. While enjoying the tunes on my ipod, a heavy set, middle-aged man in a tanish, well-driven Chevrolet SUV too decided he should be in the fast lane.
Either he did not check his blind spot or he felt entitled to the space I was currently occupying, but he slid over in to the fast lane nearly taking out my front right end, with his --should I take the liberty of saying "dented"-- vehicle.
I, like most people, gripped the wheel took my foot off the gas and gently placed it on the break hoping for the best, yet bracing for the worst. In my gripping position the horn magically honked and I could tell he glanced back. I tried for my most horrified "you almost hit me" look.
He leaned his head so I could see it in his side mirror. He then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me.
What, are we five?