The Obscure Ramblings of an Ex-Goalie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Beginning... Again

Just noticed my last post was in 2008. What a mildly interesting year that was combined with 2009 and then the decision to go back to school. What is it about school that makes me want to Blog? I have no idea other than there are so many more things I have to do in the scope of a day that a typical 9 to 5 job doesn't really offer. Take for example: this morning while walking to the library to read before class I passed a car, legally parked in campus parking, completely packed with paper. It was a small car though the entire back and passenger seat all the way to the very tip-top of the roof was packed with paper. Old paper, new paper, folders, newspaper, scrap paper, bits of unidentifiable "stuff" in between and then colored paper. As I passed this wonderful spectacle I almost missed it, but a student passing it in the other direction did a double take, stopped, pulled out her cell phone and snapped some photos of it as living proof of the story I just typed. I cannot say this will be the highlight of my day, with that happening at 7:45 this morning, but it will be among the top five I bet... right next to juggling scarves in my Children's Motion class at 12:30.

So it has taken me 2 years and a life change to realize I really do love blogging and I hope to get around to it more often (even though no one reads it!). Just some obscure ramblings to mull over later.