The Obscure Ramblings of an Ex-Goalie.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Beginning... Again

Just noticed my last post was in 2008. What a mildly interesting year that was combined with 2009 and then the decision to go back to school. What is it about school that makes me want to Blog? I have no idea other than there are so many more things I have to do in the scope of a day that a typical 9 to 5 job doesn't really offer. Take for example: this morning while walking to the library to read before class I passed a car, legally parked in campus parking, completely packed with paper. It was a small car though the entire back and passenger seat all the way to the very tip-top of the roof was packed with paper. Old paper, new paper, folders, newspaper, scrap paper, bits of unidentifiable "stuff" in between and then colored paper. As I passed this wonderful spectacle I almost missed it, but a student passing it in the other direction did a double take, stopped, pulled out her cell phone and snapped some photos of it as living proof of the story I just typed. I cannot say this will be the highlight of my day, with that happening at 7:45 this morning, but it will be among the top five I bet... right next to juggling scarves in my Children's Motion class at 12:30.

So it has taken me 2 years and a life change to realize I really do love blogging and I hope to get around to it more often (even though no one reads it!). Just some obscure ramblings to mull over later.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


It seems I spend a lot of time at work and a lot of time in my car. Here is a morning car story for your enjoyment.

Dallas, TX drivers are not the best drivers. They are like New York drivers laced with just enough southern courtesy to make it in the great state of. Blinkers are apparently decorations that don't get utilized.

I was in the fast lane. I had merged and made my way across four lanes of traffic to reserve this right of passage, not to mention I waited for safe holes in traffic and used my blinkers to get there. While enjoying the tunes on my ipod, a heavy set, middle-aged man in a tanish, well-driven Chevrolet SUV too decided he should be in the fast lane.

Either he did not check his blind spot or he felt entitled to the space I was currently occupying, but he slid over in to the fast lane nearly taking out my front right end, with his --should I take the liberty of saying "dented"-- vehicle.

I, like most people, gripped the wheel took my foot off the gas and gently placed it on the break hoping for the best, yet bracing for the worst. In my gripping position the horn magically honked and I could tell he glanced back. I tried for my most horrified "you almost hit me" look.

He leaned his head so I could see it in his side mirror. He then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me.


What, are we five?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Clearly I Do

Who makes a whole package of instant chocolate pudding and then proceeds to eat the entire four servings.

Clearly I do. I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't actually sit down after mixing the "cold serve" pudding and promise myself this is the last bite I am going to take... no wait... seriously this is the last bite I am going to take.

But I used fat free "lactose free" milk.

But the pudding mix is naturally fat free (never mind the millions of sugar grams).

And so, as a tribute to the fat free-ness, I just keep on eating. Not hungry, not full so I feel entitled to continue on my journey of finishing ALL four servings. Then because I live alone and there is no hall monitor, I use my finger to get the last little bit from the bowl before calling it a night.

Clearly I like chocolate pudding.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Birthday or is it Though?

Tomorrow. I'll be 25. I haven't talked it up. Somehow it doesn't really seem like a big day. My mom cares. I like it that she does, but other than that, who really cares? I think once I went to college my birthday no longer mattered. It's just this day in the summer. It will be a rainy day in TX.

It might be that I have a job now. My birthday is on a Wednesday. I have two more days until the weekend so that I may "observe" it properly. Just an FYI: that doesn't mean going out and getting sloshed, but more likely sleeping in and laying in front of the TV with loads of DVDs... my how times have changed.

I wish I had some true blue college friends here or at least someone willing to veg in front of the TV with me. A birthday with a DVD and a glass of wine. That's a good day.

The year of 25: I'm thinking allowing more people in will be good.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The sound of Monday

It's the sound of a dying cow. A languished, sad moo emanating from somewhere down a hallway. Really a dying cow?


Just one of my bosses phone ring tone. It is listed as melancholy sax, as though a musical instrument has the right to sound like what I'd imagine a dying cow would sound like.

I'm not being morose. I don't sit around thinking about what sounds come out of different living animals as they die. The noise hit me a little off guard the first time I heard it and it has been the dying cow sound ever since.

The cow dies a lot on Monday.

It's sad, really.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Just One Moment

Who has time these days to sit and watch the mystery of a tea bag darkening a cup of steaming clear liquid? Plumes of brown seeping out of the small bag polluting the water like a sinister cartoon character devilishly smoking an incredibly thin cigarette. All this while letting out a high crackling laugh and plotting to overthrow the hero.

I have time.

I have as much time as the man allows me.

It's enough time to notice the way the wind feels blowing through my hair. It's enough time to sit in silence.

It is enough time to notice things I haven't always taken the time to notice and appreciate.

I have time.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

New Changes

I have a job. I have a new life. I have a new city. I just haven't found any friends. I miss New Orleans. I hear things keep going downhill, but I can't not miss New Orleans.